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What if you are here to Light the Way?

What if you not living what you are called to is slowing EVERYTHING down? What if God has the most exquisite plan for you? what would happen in your life is you listened to the call and took action?

Spend a year with me exploring all of this.

Business and life in alignment with God heals you first. Turn 2023 into a masterpiece, embrace your art, flow, calling and finally bring it to life as service to others and the world. 

When you get brave and take moves, others effortlessly follow. You have something important to share, and you not sharing it is slowing EVERYTHING down.

You are asked to live your calling and your Joy, NOW and everyday.

BUSINESS AS ART is a year of interactive programs to support your connection to the divine and your action in the world.

◦ Learn to make life and business feel effortless

◦ Commit to mastering feminine and masculine balance internally

◦ Develop courage and confidence (in God) so you become "untouchable" in your message and your business.

Your business can bring you closer to God. When you listen and follow, you say YES through your actions.

Living your unique calling will bring you the courage you are looking for.

No longer needing to fit in, willing to belong deeply.

Create communities through your work in the world.

2023 Programs include

Each program is designed to teach you confidence skills for life and business. These courses will benefit anyone who is attracted to the work, but are particularly designed for women who are seeking clarity in their own businesses. Each course will run between 5-14 days in length and most will have daily content during that time. You will have access to content and often a group zoom call/mentoring session for integration. 

Join Business as ART
Join Business as ART

FOLLOW ALONG on Instagram - @jaykimber